Own More of Who You Are As You Move Towards Dreams and Goals

Liz Brunner, Author Conversations, in Communication Intelligence

Book:Dare to Own You, Taking Your Authenticity and Dreams Into Your Next Chapter
Author: Liz Brunner

Brunner, the founder and CEO of Brunner Communications is a communications coach, motivational speaker, podcast host and Emmy award-winning journalist.

The book is aimed at being “… an approach to life that will empower others to dare to own who they are and move into the next chapter of their professional and private lives with courage, confidence and authenticity.”

What was the inspiration for this book? Writing one is a tremendous commitment of time, thought, energy, work, sacrifice and struggle. What made this project a must-do investment and immersion for you?

The inspiration for this book stemmed from a quote that I heard from my grandmother, as well as my own mother, “No knowledge is ever wasted.” In fact, that was the original title of the book when I first started thinking about writing it, and you are correct: It does take a tremendous commitment to write a book.

I initially started it in the summer of 2019, but felt I was getting off course, so I stopped writing. I only had a few chapters done and barely even an outline.  It wasn’t until March of 2021 that I picked it back up again, and once I started writing, I became compelled to write. The more I wrote, the more I had to say. It became a must-do. By the end of July, I’d finished it. It still seems surreal.

As you wrote the book, what thoughts came to you, not only reliving experiences, but also regarding what you hoped to best convey to help people?

Because this book is part memoir—both personal and professional—I did relive many experiences from my childhood, teenage years, my college experiences and throughout my professional career. Some of those experiences were not easy.

There were obstacles to overcome, as there are in anyone’s life. None of us is immune. Being able to share what worked for me to rise above some of these experiences, I hope, will help others transform their own lives.

In addition, my professional career has had several chapters; high school music teacher, then to retail, to having a 28-years career as an award-winning journalist, to now, an entrepreneur when in 2013, I launched Brunner Communications.

I’ve had the privilege to work with clients all over the world on public speaking and presentation skills, presence, leadership, storytelling, media training and more.

For those who read my book, I want them to see that no experience, no knowledge, is ever wasted. When you connect all of those experiences, and discover the themes and patterns in them, you may in fact be able to create a next chapter. If I can do it, so can they.

Now that you're on the other side of having written the book, how did that goal and process affect you from writing out all you know and experienced, to help people?

Many times the paths we take are not what we expect. I didn’t start out to be a journalist, and yet, I had an amazing career because I was willing to take a chance on me. I’m running a successful business without an MBA because I have learned to trust myself, and own who I am.

At the end of each chapter, I have included a “Time to Reflect” section which offers readers the opportunity to ask themselves some very poignant questions, many of those questions I have asked myself along the way.

If readers are willing to spend the time and answer these questions honestly, those answers could provide clues as to how they too can be more authentic, turn their dreams into reality and create amazing next chapters for themselves.

Everyone's takeaways from the book could be different, depending on what they need, what most resonated with them and what you best communicated, yet generally speaking, what do you hope at bare minimum that they gain and feel satisfaction about and ‘profit’ from, tangibly and intangibly?

One of the things I have enjoyed most since publishing my book is hearing from readers about what resonated for them because, yes, everyone’s take and experience with this book is unique.

Besides the “Time to Reflect” sections that give them the opportunity to learn more about who they are, I believe they too will dare to own more of who they are. Writing this book did that for me, and my hope would be that it does the same for them.

Again, I come back to “No knowledge is ever wasted.” Trust that! And if I can do it, they can too.

Michael Toebe

Founder, writer, editor and publisher


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