Spotlight 6

Here are Expanded Business Listings from companies offering their services and products offered to readers of Communication Intelligence magazine.

“I coach men in navigating communication and relationship dynamics, transforming perceived ‘anger issues’ into healthy emotional expression.

“Using strategic coaching and real-time support, I guide them to articulate their feelings and foster stronger connections with their partners.

“My mission is to empower men to be better communicators, partners and the best versions of themselves.”

Delee D’Arcy

Phone Contact: 713-302-6843
Email Contact:

Argue Proof Your Relationship
Free Guide:

“Working with Delee took me from frustrated to optimistic.”


“I was angry and lost and now have the tools to work through life’s problems.”


Below is a sample expanded business listing

Communication Intelligence magazine
Contact the Editor:
Contact the Publisher or Sales

Communication Intelligence:

Communication Intelligence magazine is an online-only publication about matters of communication in the news, business, sports, entertainment and politics and in addition, provides advice for how we can communicate more successfully professionally.

Interview driven, the magazine includes interviews, publisher and special guest insights, special series, author conversations, brief exchanges and Red Diamonds (top quotes from interviews).

The magazine is offering multiple advertising monthly opportunities.

I’ve dug into your publication some more and I really like the issues you cover. It’s a great publication!

Your publication is full of really meaningful conversations and perspectives.”


Offering: Two email addresses, two phone numbers, two links, vivid color ad and a paragraph detailing your offering and unique selling proposition. Add a brief testimonial at no extra price. 

Contact the Publisher to learn more or get started on having your expanded business listing published.