Author Conversations: Edoardo Binda Zane

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Today is the deb of a new section — Author Conversations. The features in this section will be talks talk about the authors and the experiences with their books. The focus will be more on their experience with the book, while still informing you about the content.

The first author up is Edoardo Binda Zane.

Binda Zane’s book is “Emotional Intelligence for Leaders: A Science-Based Guide to Inspire and Drive Your Team.” The conversation was smart, tight, enlightening and interesting to me and I hope you might find it the same. The topic gets a lot of play and it might bore some yet it is something we really notice when it’s not there or the quality is poor.

The conversation was direct and speaks to the challenges we so often see, not only in households, but in the workplace and in business interactions. That’s why, to me at least, this is such an evergreen, important discussion.

Please take a look and see what you think:

Edoardo Binda Zane Says Science Can Help the Workplace and Business

Michael Toebe

Founder, writer, editor and publisher


Special Series: The Call for Greater Compassion at Work and in Business


Receptiveness to Listening, Learning and Adjusting