Speaking Encouragement Into People


Deb Harrison

Recognizing other people’s discouragement is not simple for everyone and speaking encouragement into them is not often done.

Both however are of great importance.

I've definitely seen him at his lowest. And I've seen him at his highest, too. And I constantly remind him of who he is and who he can be.

That quote was the inspiration for seeking a conversation about this topic.

Noticing people emotionally struggling and caring about it might take energy and effort we don’t want to expend or knowhow we may feel we don’t possess. It might also feel risky to express what we might like to do.

Still, bringing ourselves to communicate words of encouragement and confidence into people in a meaningful way in a worthy conversation.

Being a sensitive, positive, caring person — either as a one-off or consistent effort — can be done.

“Choose words carefully that convey belief in the person's abilities, using affirming and uplifting language,” says Deb Harrison, a learning, growth and change consultant. “Consider the situation and highlight specific strengths and potential for growth.”

She provides an example. “Instead of saying, ‘You're doing great,’ you can say, ‘I noticed how determined and persistent you've been in pursuing your goals. Your hard work is truly inspiring.’

It is additionally valuable to look for — seek out — opportunities to speak favorably about them to other people.

“Everyone has gifts and amazing things happen when we recognize that in ourselves and others,” Harrison says.

“We are better together — and incredible things happen,” she contends, when we work to promote one another,” Harrison says. “This is something that I regularly speak about.”

Michael Toebe

Founder, writer, editor and publisher


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